In Search of Gentle Death : The Fight for Your Right to Die With Dignity

Richard N. Côté
In Search of Gentle Death

Richard Cote' based this unique book on five years of inten­sive primary source research and more than one hundred in-depth inter­views with death-with-dignity pioneers, acti­vists, physi­cians, nurses, hospice workers, and their patients on four conti­nents. It is written in narra­tive style for a general audience and inten­sely docu­mented for the scholar. It illu­mi­nates the subject using 92 images and twelve hyper­links to exclu­sive YouTube video inter­views with death-with-dignity leaders world­wide. It explores the modern history of the death-with-dignity move­ment through the lives of its foun­ders, leaders, and acti­vists. Using personal case histo­ries from around the world, it also portrays the often heart-breaking conflict between the final wishes of those who are living or dying in pain and the reli­gious, medical, and laws which force them to spend their last days, months, or even years in avoi­dable pain and suffe­ring against their clearly-stated will. [Description de l'éditeur]

Corinthian Books​, 2012
479 pages