This Is Assisted Dying : A Doctor's Story of Empowering Patients at the End of Life (Stefanie Green)

Dis, c'est quoi l'euthanasie

Dr. Stefanie Green has been forging new paths in the field of medical assis­tance in dying since 2016. In her land­mark memoir, Dr. Green reveals the reasons a patient might seek an assisted death, how the process works, what the event itself can look like, the reac­tions of those involved, and what it feels like to oversee procee­dings and admi­nister medi­ca­tions that hasten death. She describes the extra­or­di­nary people she meets and the unusual circum­stances she encoun­ters as she navi­gates the intri­cacy, inten­sity, and utter huma­nity of these powerful interactions.

Deeply authentic and power­fully emotional, This Is Assisted Dying contex­tua­lizes the myriad personal, profes­sional, and prac­tical issues surroun­ding assisted dying by brin­ging readers into the room with Dr. Green, sharing the voices of her patients, her colleagues, and her own narra­tive. As our popu­la­tion confronts issues of well­ness, inte­grity, agency and commu­nity, and how to live a connected, meaningful life, this progres­sive and compas­sio­nate book by a physi­cian at the fore­front of medi­cally assisted dying offers comfort and poten­tial relief.

This Is Assisted Dying will change the way people think about their choices at the end of life, and show that assisted dying is less about death than about how we wish to live.

[Publisher's descrip­tion]

Scribner, 2022
304 pages